Thursday 15 February 2007

Snooker - The highs and lows

So I've been playing a lot of Snooker for the last couple of months; bought a half decent cue, a towel, the whole shabang, and been practising with a friend who's pretty handy. I've had the highs and lows, but gradually been getting better and just last week felt all the practise had been paying off and was moving forward.

It then happened; I woke up this morning, came to work and went for a few games at lunchtime and then the madness began! The most basic of pots seemed impossible and it was like I was cueing with a liquorish stick.

It's times like these when you feel like the game is against you, when even the "easy" pots don't drop and you wonder what's the point in continuing. I was in this mind set this afternoon and after the 43rd ball did not drop I wanted to pack up and go home.

I have decided to put it down to having and "off day" and shall continue to grind away and try to progress myself (well I have spent hard earned cash on the accessorise so have to at least give it a while longer).

I will stick with it and report back how I am getting on, watch this space!

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